Who We Are
We’ve spent decades discovering and developing the self storage market. Our hard work and success have caused self storage to be one of the best preforming real estate investments in recent memory. What started out as an underserved niche has grown to include thousands of entrepreneurs, tens-of-thousands of facilities(many still family owned) and high profit margins. Naturally this has attracted attention from entities interested in carving out their own share of the self storage pie.
This is the pdf:
Changes in finance, technology and government regulation are happening right now. Rather than fear these changes, Storelocal sees them as a sign that we are doing something right. They are valuable opportunities. This industry will continue to be profitable far into the future and by banding together we will stay at the head of this movement.
Our organization is built on the following principles:
First, we believe in the storage industry. Second, we believe in serving our customers. Third, we believe together we are better, stronger and smarter than we are individually
The views and beliefs of our co-op are not one person’s vision, but a collective vision from industry leaders. Storelocal is governed by an All-Star, Storage Hall of Fame board of directors.
Storelocal addresses difficult issues and provides long-term solutions, allowing our members to remain independent and relevant. We have bonded around common beliefs and we have agreed to share knowledge and resources. Most importantly as a co-op, all members are owners, all members have a voice and all members have access to information.
Co-op member benefits include sustainability, access to industry leading tools and ultimate B-to-B transparency. Co-ops, by design, operate in the best interest of the members, and create a loyal community. There is not another organization in the storage industry similar.
The co-op’s first mission is opening up customer market share for our members. We are acquiring and building B-to-C applications to find and move in tomorrow’s renters. Today we are delivering a 1,000 leads a day and growing. We have developed strategic alliances and technology partnerships to operate the largest self storage inventory distribution and reservation system.
We believe that, beginning to end, our industry’s supply chain can be more efficient. We believe effective lead generation and conversion systems require integration. Either we make systems efficient and own them ourselves or we can pay for them and lose market share. The co-op’s charter is to create new industry standards to enrich the customer experience. The strength of the co-op goes beyond a budget to write clever code and build applications. We will transform the way customers interact with our companies.
We invite you to do business with people who believe what you believe. Help create an organization that cares about its members and customers. Join our group as one of our 30 founders or 5,000 facilities.